Join SportsIn

Glad to have you here! Our mission is to make your local sport reach as many people as possible. We want to see full stadiums, pavilions, courts, and pools! To acomplish that, your aid is essential.

Important remarks:

  • At the moment we only support a limited set of sports, but we intend to keep adding new ones
  • Your application will be reviewed by the SportsIn team, so filling it correctly will speed up the process
  • In case your sport is not on the list and you would like to have it added, or in case you have any questions, please contact us. We will be glad to talk to you!

1. General information

The sport of the teams you manage.

2. Organization information

The full name of the organization you are representing. It can be a federation, regional association or club.
A short name (10 letter maximum) that uniquely identifies your organization.

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3. Owner information

Each organization must have an owner.
Your password must contain at least 8 characters, and can't be entirely numeric.

By submitting the application you are agreeing with our Terms and Conditions and confirm that you understand our Privacy Policy.